iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF (IYH): Another Balanced Safe Haven Amid Unpredictability of 2H Earnings Outcome
As 2H 2023 earnings season kick-started, many investors are wary if their favorite bets being able to beat market expectations. This week we will see a handful of banking stocks’ reports, which will give us some idea about the chances of the market to stay aligned with cruel economic reality. Meanwhile, it would be a good idea to diversify from individual stocks into better balanced selections of winning stories.
One of such examples, the iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF (IYH), invests heavily in stocks of companies with pharmaceutical and managed healthcare businesses. IYH focuses on stocks of pharmaceutical and managed healthcare companies, giving exposure to two sectors that have demonstrated relatively stable price growth. Health care spending remained flat, at worst, amid deteriorating credit conditions and even as retail investors' appetite for stocks waned. Over the long term (5-10 years), IYH's share price grew significantly as most of the large-cap stocks it invests in have delivered notable returns.
Approximately 11,000 U.S. baby boomers are turning 65 every day. By 2030, baby boomers will be over 65, and will be single most important consumer power behind healthcare industry growth.
Again, as it was mentioned, IYH invests heavily in stocks of companies with pharmaceutical and managed healthcare businesses. IYH focuses on stocks of pharmaceutical and managed healthcare companies, two sectors that have seen relatively stable price growth. Even though on Thursday, July 6, shares of the iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF technically crossed below their 200 day moving average of $275.06, recording its low of $274.71 per share, thereafter they were able to recover to the current $278.50 per share, which is a good sign of further improvement and may represent a good entry point.
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